Ultramagic International Innovation Awards Contest is now finished The Ultramagic International Innovation Awards Contest has now reached its conclusion with the awards ceremony taking place on Saturday 24th November at a grand gala evening in Igualada
14 of the 15 finalists attended the awards ceremony. Winning prizes of 10,000 euros and a winner’s trophy were awarded as follows based on the final jury decisions.

Winner Category A – Technical Innovation – Richard Penny (UK)- Magic Power Line Detector
Winner Category C- Ultramagic and Ballooning – Andrew Holly (UK) – Ultramagic Friendship Balloon Project.
Winner Category C- Ultramagic and Ballooning – Andrew Holly (UK) – Ultramagic Friendship Balloon Project.
Winner – Special Prize
– Johan Nabben (Holland) – Ultramagic Balloonist Workbench Application for Ipad and Android Tablets.The Jury decided not to propose a winner for Category B – Ecology and Balloons. This prize is being held over to support future projects that make stronger based innovations or improvements relating to Ecology.

The remaining finalists each received a finalist trophy and a prize of 1.000 €
We take this opportunity to welcome you all to the “Worldwide Ultramagic Team”. We now plan to develop the concept further with our new website Ultramagic Ideas – www.ultramagicideas.com dedicated to establishing and promoting Ultramagic innovations and new ideas. We hope to have more contact with you over the coming months and we welcome your continued involvement.