
Pierrick Duvoisin makes another amazing flight

Published on World Wide Ultramagic Team

Congratulations to world record holder Pierrick Duvoisin on making yet another epic flight. 

Crossing  the  Cervino – Matterhorn

On Monday 27 December 2010 Pierrick Duvoisin made a 4 hour 34 minute crossing of the Alps with his passenger David on board. This may not seem quite so special until one realises that they safely made this epic flight at altitudes up to 5892 m (19,330 feet) in a balloon with a volume of only 56,000 cu ft!

This is the first time that a balloon this small has crossed the alps with 2 people on board. The total fuel consumed was 46kg  – only 10kg an hour!

Pierrick and David

The balloon used was the same balloon that Pierrick flew to break two World duration records – his M56 Ecomagic balloon called Newton specially produced by Ultramagic out of Aerofabrix® insulated fabric.

They took off from Chateau D’Oex at an altitude of 1000m (3,300ft) and covered a distance of 174 km crossing the alps close to the Matterhorn and landed at Murano Sol Po at an altitude 123m (403 ft).

The standard  balloon  making the same flight, from which the photograph of the balloon in flight was taken, was a balloon of 3400m³ (120,000 cu ft) volume with 3 people on board. This balloon used 140kg of fuel for a similar flight profile. 



Congratulation Pierrick and David from the World Wide Ultramagic Team on a fantastic achievement.
Aerofabrix® insulated fabric is available exclusively from Ultramagic and can be supplied in a range of envelope options.

See also the news item on ECOMAGIC! THE WORLDS MOST FUEL EFFICIENT HOT AIR BALLOONS. – Available only from Ultramagic.