
LUXGSM World Balloon Trophy 2011

Published on Competition news

Luxembourg GSM World Balloon Trophy 2011

Congratulations from the Worldwide Ultramagic Team.

Pilots flying Ultramagic Racers take top 4 positions.


Congratulations from the worldwide ULTRAMAGIC team to Uwe Schneider from Germany on winning the 2011 Luxembourg GSM World Balloon Trophy held near the wonderfull Echternach lake between July 27 and July 31.  15 tasks being were completed in this closely contested event with 31 pilots taking part. Uwe won flying Ultramagic Rainbow Racer.

Photo courtesy of Bea Almenar   

Congratulations to David Bareford (UK) 2nd position flying his blue and yellow spiral Ultramagic Racer.

Congratulations to Ivan Ayala Alcade (Spain) 3rd position flying La Rioja Ultramagic Racer.

Congratulations to Stefan Zeberli (Switzerland) 4th position flying an Ultramagic Racer.


More photos to follow soon!


Special mention to  Philippe De Cock  (Belgium) 7th position,  Marcus Green (UK) 8th position,   

Steven Vlegels (Belgium) 9th position all of whom were flying their Ultramagic Racers.


Thank you to all 14 of the 31 competitors who chose to fly Ultramagic Racers.

Check out this link for the official results.

Well done to all competitors from the Worldwide Ultramagic Team


Ultramagic racer – The Choice of Champions
When the results must speak for themselves
When only the best will do.

The Racer” – the original – only by Ultramagic