A larger light weight travel pack balloon!
• Ultralight weight 70,000 cu ft Tekno 70 envelope weighs less than 70kg using Ultralite silicon coated fabric.
• Extensively tested fold down composite sided Tekno L basket weighs in at less than 50 kg and is capable of flying up to 4 people in its generous 1.0 x 1.2 x 1.1m high configuration. It is equipped with step holes and easy carry handles.
• Powerplus Sport or MK-32 double burner options are available.
• Option of fast detach burner system from outer burner frame available to allow the burner frame to be packed with the basket and the burner be packed separately.
• Cost option of the unique Tekno external tank security system is available.
• Padded luggage bags are available for Tekno L basket and burners.
• The Tekno L basket can also be supplied with a range of light weight envelopes from 50,000 cu ft to 120,000 cu ft.