
Austrian National Hot Air Balloon Championship 2009

Published on Competition news

Austrian National Hot Air Balloon Championship 2009. Congratulations from the Worldwide Ultramagic Team. 

Congratulations from the worldwide Ultramagic team to Andreas Simoner on winning the 2009 Austrian National Hot Air Balloon Championship held in Mattsee between July 15 and July 19. Andreas won flying the silver Ultramagic EcoMagic 56,000 cu ft balloon.

Weather conditions only allowed 4 flights. However these flights generated a total of 10 tasks completed overall in the competition.

The EcoMagic balloon was primarily designed for very low fuel consumption and record breaking duration flights. Andreas with his piloting skills has demonstrated that the EcoMagic balloon can also be very practical and can be used to win competitions. Well done Andreas.








Well done to all competitors from the Worldwide Ultramagic Team but a very special congratulations to Andreas Simoner.

Ultramagic “EcoMagic” – The world’s most fuel efficient hot air balloon – only from Ultramagic. Now also the choice of Champions!