
New Finnish Distance Hot Air Ballooning Record

Published on World Wide Ultramagic Team

Nou rècord finlandès de distància en globus

Congratulations to Markku Sipinen on an epic record breaking winter flight.

New Finnish Distance Hot Air Ballooning Record (to be ratified) almost  500 kilometers flight taken from Rovaniemi to Virrat 23 March 2013.

Markku Sipinen from Jyväskylä has achieved a new Finnish national hot air balloon distance record (to be ratified) of 498 kilometers. The previous record was beaten by approximately 70 kilometers.

Markku, who is the Ultramagic dealer in Finland, flew from Rovaniemi to Virrat. He spent 11hrs 11minutes in the air, mostly at an altitude of 1500 m. The average speed of the flight was 65 km/h.

The timing for the record flight was chosen due to the especially good weather conditions provided by the unexpected early spring conditions, as well as the extended longer hours of daylight that are just starting.

The target was to perform this flight by using the most favourable conditions available. Later on, in the spring and summertime thermal conditions would have made flying more difficult. Markku said that he’s been preparing this flight for two years.


Markku’s record is now to be confirmed and verified by The Finnish Aeronautical Association. After verification it will be announced as an official record. This process will be more likely be completed during this spring, estimates Markku.

Distanceflight records by hot air balloons are done quite rarely in Finland. The last two records at 430 kilometers are from year 2008. The record before that was achieved in 2003.

Here are Markku’s personal comments on the flight:
“As I had been planning, my intention was to fly new Finnish record in distance. So on the  23rd  March 2013 , I finally did it.

Balloon: Ultramagic S-130 OH-IOO

Duration: 11h:11′

Take off: Rovaniemi  05:44 UTC N66.47956 E25.68770

Landing: Vaskivesi: 16:55 UTC N62.13150 E23.69880

Conditions: OAT was not far from 0 Celsius, according DBI +/- 4. Still I think it was optimistic…

But I had tea and sandwiches!

Fuel consumption was only 21 kg/hrs. So my endurance should have been even 15 hrs.

Landing was due the darkness, but soft and safe to small road. Really easy flight.”

Well done Markku and congratulations from the World Wide Ultramagic Team!