
New Special Shape!

Published on World Wide Ultramagic Team

New Special Shape!

The latest new Ultramagic special shape, R4TS – “reach for the stars” made a fantastic flight on the first flight of the XVI Igualada European Balloon Festival on Thursday 5th July 2012. This was a special one-off flight with the permission from the customer. We now have permission to officially go public. We recognise that this amazing shape has already been seen worldwide due to private posting son Facebook and Youtube. With something as special as this it is hard to keep it secret!

Please download here the pdf of the official press release from the R4TS charity

This very special balloon has completed its test programme and is flying on a permit to flying waiting for the final processing of US type certification. The balloon will make its first official event at Albuquerque in October. The balloon was flown by Josep on this flight and had a perfect sit down wheel chair landing! 
We hope that this balloon brings great joy to all who see it and that it helps the foundation to continue with its very special work.