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Campionat del món Junior d’Aerostació 2014

Campionat del Món Junior d’Aerostació 2014 Els pilots d’Ultramagic Racer aconsegueixen la 1era i 2ona posició. Campió del Món Junior Dominic Bareford. Vichy França   POSICIÓ  #  PARTICIPANT PAIS/EQUIP PUNTUACIÓ TOTAL 1  18   Dominic Bareford UK  20.976 2 1 Rokas Kostiuskevicius Lithuania  20.819 3 17 Clement Seigeot France  20.197 4 14 Kevin Allemand France  19.142 […]

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Publicat a Ultramagic arreu del món

Novetats del Globus Friendship

  FRIENDSHIP BALLOON UPDATE.   Friendship Balloon has now flown 100 times with 100 different pilots!   The Friendship balloon made flights 99 and 100 in Igualada before leaving Europe as air freight to North America. It will make its next flight in Canada in August.   Flight 99 was made by Jordi Rodriguez Sanchez of the Ultramagic […]

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Publicat a Trobades de globus

18è European Balloon Festival – Igualada

     European Balloon Festival 2014 Igualada   Once again the Igualada European balloon festival was a great success. It was held between July 9 and July 13, commencing with a welcome in the Town Hall by the Mayor for all of the participants. As well as pilots from most European countries the event also […]

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Campional del Món d’Aerostació 2014 – Brasil

  UN CAMPIONAT DEL MÓN MÀGIC   Els Pilots amb Ultramagic Racer ocupen 6 de les primeres 10 posicions    Ra. Nr. Competidor NAC Total 1 19 Yudai FUJITA JPN 17443 2 15 Uwe SCHNEIDER GER 16216 3 54 Lupercio LIMA BRA 16064 4 37 Stefan ZEBERLI SUI 15867 5 25 Rimas KOSTIUSKEVICIUS LTU 15173 6 4 Gerald STUERZLINGER AUT 15130 7 […]

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